Lance Spanns' Second Chance

Lance Spann is a man, father, son, friend, lover, and just like the rest of us--a sinner. In August 2011, he made a poor judgment mistake and drove drunk. Along with his poor decisions, an accident that can never be forgotten or taken back happened, a young lady lost her life. And Lance's life changed drastically forever. He is currently in prison at Ouachita River Correctional Unit and has been since June 11,2012. He left behind a girlfriend, a son, friends and a family. The changes he has made can only be given credit to the Lord himself. I am Lances girlfriend, the mother of his child. I am starting this petition to attempt to show the good of the world and how many people believe in second chances, believe that it is not our job to judge. Each and every one of us will stand before the Lord and answer for our sins, until this time comes.. Our child deserves his father, and Lance deserves to watch his child grow up and be the role model Lawson so desperately deserves. He left when Lawson was 2 weeks old, has missed out on everything since then. I am asking you to please find it in your heart to sign this petition and show your support in the forgiveness of sins, just as God does every single day. I thank you in advance for reading this. God Bless.