Lakeridge Village Shopping Center Petition

Over the past few years, many Lake Highlands residents have expressed concerns about the Lakeridge Village Shopping Center's general maintenance and overall appearance. The property poses health and safety risks, and it creates a negative perception regarding our community. We believe the Lakeridge Village Shopping Center creates an environment that contributes to a growing criminal element in the area. There have been many changes in our neighborhood over the last several years. Bill Willingham's development on the SW quadrant of Walnut Hill and Audelia, David Weekly's new development along Plano Rd & Northwest Hwy, and most notably the $250mm Lake Highlands Town Center development only a half mile west of Lakeridge at Walnut Hill & Skillman. The Lakeridge Village Shopping Center is at the heart of our community and it must be maintained consistently and in a professional manner. In the wake of the violence in recent months, and the ongoing battle to protect our property from theft and vandalism, the community insists that these issues be resolved. Please find enclosed a petition signed by the homeowners in the Lakeridge community.