We, the owners and residents of Laguna Tower, wish to convey to the TRAGCC Board of Trustees our heart-felt disappointment and frustration at the way the Board is handling its duties and responsibilities in the governance and management of Laguna Tower.
We specifically take exception to the Board’s March 3, 2014 letter to Laguna Tower Residents entitled: ”Unauthorized“ Correspondence dated January 23, 2014. Said letter conveys to us, the Owners, ‘a we-know-best and trust-us attitude’ to important matters involving building security (especially inadequate deadbolts) and elevator safety and comfort. A very common reaction to said letter was, “You mean the Board deems communications between and among us as ‘unauthorized’? How can the Board say this to the very same people who elected and appointed them to the Board of Trustees!” Suffice is to say, at the very least, the use of the term - “Unauthorized” correspondence - was most inappropriate.
In future, we strongly urge the Board to be more empathic, consultative and sensitive to the felt needs of Laguna Tower owners and residents. We do acknowledge the Board members’ hard work and voluntary time given to the good governance and management of the TRAG condominium corporation, and we thank them for this. We do need, however, to find a way to better work together to solve the well-articulated-common problems and issues confronting us in Laguna Tower.