Youth Justice Coalition L.A. California 0

L.A. County: Release And Reconnect Incarcerated People With Their Loved Ones During COVID-19

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Youth Justice Coalition L.A. California 0 Comments
30 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To Los Angeles City, County and California State Officials:

Ray Leyva, Interim Probation Chief, Los Angeles County Probation Department
Sheila Mitchell, Deputy Chief, Los Angeles County Probation Department
Reaver Bingham, Deputy Chief, Los Angeles County Probation Department
Alex Villanueva, LA County Sheriff
Michael Moore, Chief, Los Angeles Police Department
Hilda Solis, Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 1
Mark Ridley Thomas, Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 2
Sheila Kuehl, Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 3
Janice Hahn, Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 4
Katherine Barger, Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 5
Jackie Lacey, Los Angeles County District Attorney
Ricardo Garcia, Public Defender, County of Los Angeles
Erika Anzoategui, Director, LA County Alternate Public Defender’s Office
Judge Kevin Brazile, Presiding Judge, Los Angeles Superior Court
Judge Victor Greenberg, Presiding Judge, LA County Juvenile Court
Judge John Lawson, Assistant Presiding Judge, LA County Delinquency Court
Judge Akemi Arakaki, Assistant Presiding Judge, LA County Dependency Court
Max Huntsman, Inspector General, Los Angeles County
Brian Williams, Executive Director, Los Angeles County Civilian Oversight Commission
Patti Giggans, Commissioner, Los Angeles County Civilian Oversight Commission
Alex Johnson, President, Los Angeles County Board of Education
Debra Duardo, Superintendent, Los Angeles County Office of Education
Judge Peter Espinoza, Director, LA County Department of Health Services, Office of Diversion and Re-entry
Refugio Valle, Director, LA County Division of Youth Diversion and Development
Taylor Schooley, Senior Research and Policy Manager, LA County Division of Youth Diversion and Development
Eric Garcetti, Mayor, City of Los Angeles
Mike Feuer, City Attorney of Los Angeles
Gavin Newsom, Governor, State of California
Assemblymember Reginald Jones-Sawyer, Chair, California State Assembly Public Safety Committee
Senator Nancy Skinner, Chair, California State Senate Public Safety Committee
Senator Toni Atkins, President Pro-Tem, California State Senate
Assemblymember Anthony Rendon, Speaker, California State Assembly

We urge Los Angeles County Officials to immediately adopt and enact the extensive demands letter sent to your office by over 65 L.A. County groups & organizations on March 16 entitled:

IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, URGENT ACTION IS NEEDED TO ENSURE EQUAL PROTECTION AND DUE PROCESS FOR YOUTH AND OTHERS UNDER PROBATION CUSTODY AND SUPERVISION,” to release and re-connect our most vulnerable community members who are currently incarcerated or impacted by the system with their families and loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Below are the core seven demands outlined in the full letter here:

1. Immediately release all misdemeanors, low-level felonies and technical probation violations from jails, juvenile halls and camps. (probation & courts)
2. No new detention on these charges (probation and courts)
3. The courts must review all other cases for release (courts)
3. No transfers from juvenile halls to jails
4. Stop assessment and collections of all system fees and fines
5. Access to quality education for youth in custody: online learning, support for IEPS and english language learners, and college courses for high school grads.
6. No transfers from juvenile halls to jails
7. Free phone calls and stamps, masks, gloves & disinfectant for all

**Read the full demands:**

Thank you, and have a great day.

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