STAND UP AND STOP THE VIOLENCE Enough is enough. Black on Black violence has really gotten out of hand. Innocent people including children are being killed on a daily bases. why is it that the black communities get outraged when a black male is killed by the cops or any other race but turn their backs when a black male is killed by the hands of another black man. I am very much embarrassed of all the ignorance in our communities. Help Stop Black Violence and let's begin to make a difference. Why Did My Homies Shot Me? On July 20, 2011 you know my son Kyle DeCoteau died at the age of 21 years from three bullet wounds from a Crip gangster’s pistol. Kyle started off in the Word but got caught up with the wrong crowd and joined the Crips. He had decided to leave the gang lifestyle after two of his friends were killed by bullets. Kyle later tried to get his life together and came back to God; changing his life meant leaving the gang behind and he was willing to do so. Just as he was trying to overcome the obstacles in his life, he had begin to receive many death threats on his phone, so he know they was going to come after him to try and take his life. This is what he said to me, “Mom if they were to ever come to grandpa’s house I will run away from the house because I don’t believe anyone else should get hurt for me. If God can’t stop it, it won’t be done but I will not pick up a gun, and therefore Kyle was the third to die; this pattern of destruction must end. The Foundation and its affiliates have decided to sponsor a townhall meeting for New York City’s inner city families. We must activate the original gang, our families, to stand against gang violence and illegal guns in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bushwick, Brownsville, Crown Heights and throughout New York City. Please join us on our six-month’s journey, seeking GOD with prayer and fasting for the children of our communities from March 20, 2013 until August 31, 2013. So Let’s work together? Our 1st Family Peace Rally will gather Saturday, April 27, 2013. This is the climax of April 21-27, 2013’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. We will spend the week empowering and reviving our families and communities.