Kyle Needs A Mohawk

We the undersigned agree that Kyle (otherwise known as “Rob,” “Robert,” “Roberto,” “Robin,” and “Kyler”) needs a mohawk. Yes, he would look awesome with his curls all high up in the middle of his head and the rest of it all cut down! Imagine it.... It would look awesome! It would complement his personality! Kyle and mohawk= shoes and shoelaces, finals and dirty laundry, pop music and disgust. And he’s an anarchist so... [shhh, ignore famous normal-haired anarchists here]. It would also look edgy. And we won’t even talk about all the different ways he could color it here, but he could, and it could be a work of art. It would be a beautiful mohawk, like the mane of a proud stallion or the head of a colorful toothbrush. It will also possibly save our world from destruction. End the silence. Sign and make the world a better place. Joy Brenner-Letich