
Kpop is well know around the world. But there are some kpopers who cant go to their idols concerts due to money problems and far away distance. Many fans such as me want to see our idols and go to their fan meets and meet them but we cant no matter how much we beg out parents. Not only that but buying kpop merch is hard as well trust me. Its not only hard to meet our idols but the fact the they live far too makes it harder for us. We love our idols and we really want to meet them. I know there's kpop concerts that happen in LA but some of us fans cant go their who live in Oregon. This year I wanted to go to kcon but I couldn't go because I had no money for the hotel/ gas / tickets and I live in Oregon and I really want to go to a kpop concert near where I live so if you can please just once please have a kpop concert happen in Oregon theres other who want to see their kpop idols to come here. So as a huge fan I am making this for everyone who wants to see a kpop concert in Oregon but just cant! Fighting!!!
- Juana Barajas