Petition to Stop the Ko'olani Board from Forcing Owners to Repipe their Units via Special Assessment
Ko'olani AOAO Against Repiping 0

Petition to Stop the Ko'olani Board from Forcing Owners to Repipe their Units via Special Assessment

38 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ko'olani AOAO Against Repiping 0 Comments
38 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned, agree that there is no imminent risk to our units, based on the data presented in the Kent Engineering report.  We further insist that the Board not attempt to impose HRS 514B-138, to force owners to repipe their units as we feel that the data presented in the report does not show that the PEX brass fittings are "high risk" components as defined in HRS 514B-138.

Imposing HRS514B-138 on the owners would not only be unjustified, but a $1000/mo assessment would also cause financial hardship for a large number of owners (as well as the association). With a large number of home owners already stretched to their financial limits by our current economic downturn, a large assessment would force many owners into foreclosure, bankruptcy, and out of their homes, due to this action. 

The Board needs to understand that not all homeowners have the ability to pay the Special Assessment they want to impose, and we feel this repiping should be paid for by the developer via arbitration first. If that fails, other options should be considered that will not cause massive foreclosures and bankruptcy.


Ko'olani Owners Against the Repipe Assessment


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