Komitmentu Sobre Prevensaun Violénsia Kontra Feto No Labarik Iha Timor-Leste
Violénsia mak problema ida ne’ebé iha efeitu direitamente ba ema barak iha Timor-Leste no mós iha efeitu indireitamente ba ita hotu. Peskiza hatudu katak porsentu 59 hosi feto sira Timorense ne’ebé horas ne’e ka uluk iha kaben ka namoradu, hetan violénsia fízika no/ka violénsia seksuál husi sira-nia la’en ka namoradu. Enkuantu feto sira-nia risku bo’ot liu husi sira-nia parseiru mane, porsentu 14 hosi feto sira hetan violasaun seksuál husi mane ida ne'ebé la'ós sira-nia parseiru ka namoradu. Liutan, maizumenus porsentu 75 feto no mane timorense sira hetan abuzu fíziku ka seksuál ruma bainhira sira sei ki’ik no ida ne’e iha ligasaun ho sira-nia esperiénsia no uza violénsia bainhira sira sei boot. Ba Timor-Leste atu bele la’o ba oin nu’udar país saudavel, demokrátiku no progresu, ita hotu tenke halo asaun ruma iha Ita-nia moris rasik atu hapara violénsia hasoru feto no labarik.
Violence is an issue that directly affects most people in Timor-Leste and indirectly impacts on all of us. Research shows that 59 percent of ever-partnered Timorese women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from their husband or boyfriend. While women are most at risk of violence from their male partners, 14 percent of women have been raped by a man who was not their husband or boyfriend. Furthermore, around 75 percent of Timorese women and men were physically and/or sexually abused during childhood and this is closely associated with both experiencing and using violence in adulthood. In order for Timor-Leste to advance as a healthy, democratic and thriving nation, we must all take action in our own lives to end violence against women and children.
Ho asinatura iha deklarasaun ne’e, Ha’u promete katak Ha’u sei halo asaun sira tuir mai atu promove relasaun sira ne’ebé saudavel no respeitozu iha Ha’u nia familia, uma, fatin serbisu, no mós iha Ha’u nia komunidade, hodi bele prevene violénsia hasoru feto no labarik sira:
By signing this charter, I commit to taking the following actions to build healthy and respectful relationships in my family, home, place of work, and in my community to prevent violence against women and children:
- Ha’u sei nunka uza kualkér forma violénsia hasoru feto ka labarik sira, inklui violénsia fízika, violénsia seksuál, violénsia emosionál, no violénsia ekonómiku. I will not use any form of physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence against women or children.
- Ha’u sei sai ezemplu di’ak ba igualdade iha uma-laran liuhusi fahe responsabilidade atu fó-kuidadu ba oan sira no halo serbisu uma-laran, nomós halo desizaun finanseiru no desizaun sira seluk família nian hamutuk ho Ha’u-nia kaben. I will model equality at home by sharing responsibility for child caring and household chores, and by making financial and family decisions together with my partner.
- Ha’u sei rona feto sira no valoriza sira-nia opiniaun. I will listen to women and value their opinions.
- Ha’u sei uza deit metodu pozitivu no naun-violentu atu disiplina labarik/oan sira no Ha’u sei halo advokasia ba implementasaun polítika ‘zero toleránsia’ ba disiplina fízika iha eskola sira. I will use only positive, non-violent methods to discipline children and I will advocate for the implementation of a zero-tolerance policy on corporal punishment in schools.
- Ha’u sei haree Ha’u-nia oan-feto no oan-mane sira ho maneira hanesan, no Ha’u sei fó oportunidade hanesan ba sira. I will treat my daughters and sons in the same way, providing them with equal opportunities.
- Ha’u sei ko’alia ho Ha’u nia oan-feto no oan-mane kona-ba importánsia relasaun ne’ebé respeitozu no bazeia ba konsentimentu. I will speak to my daughters and sons about the importance of mutual respect and consent in relationships.
- Se karik Ha’u sai sasin ba insidente violénsia hasoru feto ka labarik iha fatin públiku, Ha’u sei foti asaun. Por ezemplu, Ha’u sei telefone ba polísia sira, halo intervensaun verbál atu hatete ba ema violentu ne’e katak nia asaun laloos, buka apoiu hosi ema seluk, ka foti asaun atu dada autór violénsia nia atensaun sees hosi nia vítima. If I witness an incident of violence against women or children, I will take action, for example by calling the police, verbally intervening by telling the man that I don’t approve of his actions, asking others nearby to help, or by creating a distraction.
- Se karik ema adultu ida ka labarik ida fó hatene ba Ha’u katak nia esperiénsia ona violénsia, Ha’u sei fó apoiu ba nia liuhusi: rona nia sein julga nia, fiar nia, fó respeitu ba nia, nomós Ha’u sei fahe informasaun ho nia kona-ba servisu referál ne’ebé bele ajuda nia. If an adult or a child tells me that she/he is experiencing violence, I will be supportive by: listening to her/him without judging, by believing her/him, by respecting her/his feelings and decisions, and by providing her/him with information about referral services that can help her/him.
- Ha’u sei respeita feto sira iha Ha’u-nia uma, iha Ha’u-nia fatin serbisu, nomós iha fatin públiku. Ha’u sei halo asaun kontra asédiu seksuál. I will respect women in my home, in my workplace, and in public, and I will speak up against any form of sexual harassment.
- Ha’u sei ko’alia ho ema sira iha Ha’u-nia moris kona-ba Ha’u-nia kompromisu hodi prevene violénsia hasoru feto no labarik sira no enkoraja sira atu apoia igualdade jéneru iha sira nia moris. I will talk to the people in my life about my commitment to preventing violence against women and children and encourage them to do the same in their own lives.