Say NO to Koala's being caged at Echo Point!!!
Denise Keith 0

Say NO to Koala's being caged at Echo Point!!!

88 signers. Add your name now!
Denise Keith 0 Comments
88 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

There is a developer in the Blue Mountains NSW who plans to keep koalas on the lower floor of a tourist building for the purpose of being photographed and petted by tourists. Koalas deserve to be free not caged indoors with little natural light. Keeping koalas indoors for long periods of time is cruel and hideous. The Blue Mountains is a world heritage area and with this in mind how can the Blue Mountains City Council even consider such an appauling plan. If the two koalas Syd and Ollie, which have been purchased by the developer, have been bred in captivity as stated by the developer, then they belong in a well established, world class zoo such as Taronga or Dubbo, not caged inside a building. Say NO to koalas being kept indoors at Echo Point, Katoomba. They deserve to be free.

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