Knowsley Village Residents against Energos plant

European energy company Energos have made a planning application to build a waste disposal incinerator on Knowsley industrial Estate, within half a mile of some residents on school lane, but in any event, within a mile of the entire village. Knowsley village is the jewel in the crown of Knowsley Borough, especially the triangle and the origins of the village are named in the Doomsday book. Many local residents struggle to achieve planning permission to make even small additions to their homes, yet the council are considering allowing a filthy industrial plant right in our back yard. The plant will include a 180ft tall chimney and will recieve approximately 40, 40 ton waste collection vehicles PER DAY, with no effective control over the route these vehicles will take. If you wish to register your opposition to the incinerator, add your details to the petition and it may help us oppose the planning application.