Kingsbury Landing: Request for Town to Enforce Its Building Rules

At the March 8 Planning Board meeting, Wall Street Dev. will again discuss the sidewalk/road safety issue, and will also ask the board for a construction deadline extension. Because this extension request allows the town an opportunity to reassess and adjust the builders bond, this is an important opportunity for the town to actively protect its rights and interests, as well as the safety of its residents. The email you received contained a copy of a letter, from us as residents, to the Holliston Planning Board and the Board of Selectman. The letter asks the boards to take an active position in protecting the rights and interests of the town. By signing this petition, you are indicating your support, for this letter, and its request for the Planning Board and Selectman to: 1) Ensure the safety of pedestians and cyclists on Kingbury drive by requiring the builder to finish the roads and sidewalks as they were detailed in the approved plan. 2) Actively protect the financial interests of the town by auditing of the builders existing bond and the cost of remaining construction. 3) Actively enforce Holliston Subdivision Rules and Regulations, as well as Holliston's rights under the Mass Subdivision Contol Laws