Kinetics Exam Date Change
When in the course of pedagogical events it becomes necessary for the student body to unite and make reactionary requests for the purpose of amending the decisions of the teaching body, courtesy delineates that the rationales and reasons for the intended reformations be declared and provided so that they may be altruistically considered by the presiding preceptor.
We, the unified students of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering class, feel that the current date for the second Kinetics midterm exam holds a foreboding sense of imminency, one that may deter us from achieving our ubiquitous desire of ideal performance on this exam. The subject material for this exam was provided in a short span of several weeks and it is a much denser, more evolved form of the material for the first exam. Thus, such material would need more time to be fully ingested and absorbed by us students so that we would be able to cogently utilize this knowledge in an examination scenario. We would respectfully request that the date for this exam be pushed back exactly one week, to March 29th, rather than the current date of March 22nd.
We are of the opinion that it is a daunting notion to be confronted with an exam that constitutes a quarter of our final grade immediately after spring break, and, following a grueling yet enlightening homework assignment. If we were given an additional week to study, we feel our collective performance on the exam would be much more desirable than if we were to take this exam on the date it is now.
We are also enrolled in other classes who are holding midterm exams on the same week, such as Calculus III and Physics, and so as not to be overwhelmed by the pressures of academia, we again appeal for the date to be changed.
In addition, if the date is changed to that of next week, this would result in a harmonious arrangement of examination dates with respect to our other CBE classes, namely Separations, which is on April 6th and Transport, which is on April 17th. A change of date would allow for a buffer time of approximately one week between these exams which is most desirable to us and our academic aspirations.
Based on these reasons, we implore you, the venerable Professor Hartman, to please delay the exam in the best of interests.