Saboor Adem 0

Kind Request to allow us to bury the bodies without cremating

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The Government of Sri Lanka has decided to only cremate the bodies of people who are died due to Covid19 without considering WHO's guidelines and wishes of the deceased.

We as Muslims who are greatly saddened due to this decision as it goes against our fundamental beliefs and last rites of a deceased.

We humbly request our president to intervene in this process and allow the authorities to give us the body so that we can bury the body of the deceased by observing our rituals and with dignity.

We assure the authorities that we will take all the necessary steps to follow the guidelines of the authorities in burying the same. Our utmost cooperation and supports are assured.

It will be a great service to the nation and to the muslim community concern by the president who has shown tremendous disciplines and guided the nation in tackling the deadly Covid19 in Sri Lanka.

Last but not the least, We will remain thankful to the president for taking our request into consideration and offering a solution that will bring joy to the millions of Muslim across the world.

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