Kill the Kill Shelters

We, the undersigned endorse the following petition: Kill the Kill Shelters! This petition is to get rid of kill shelters in the United States. Every 6 seconds an animal is killed at kill shelters in the U.S. Kill shelters kill animals even if they are healthy and don\'t have behavioral issues. Shelters don\'t always euthanize the animals either. Some shelters, like the one in the video, (the link is to the right under the section called links)inhumanely end the animals lives by sticking them into a box and pumping toxic gas into it. Not only do kill shelters end innocent lives, they prevent someone from having the ideal pet they have long been searching for. Although animals can\'t speak, we as humans do not have the right to do whatever we please with them. Especially killing them just for the heck of it and throwing them out like trash.The animals being killed could have the best personality you could find anywhere. In the video there are puppies being put in a box, on top of other dead animals, not knowing they will be killed just because they are is an inconveniance to the shelter...THIS MUST STOP! Killing an animal simply because they haven\'t been adopted is not an excuse nor is it fair to both the animals and fellow human beings. Please spread this to as many people as possible. It would really be appreciated.