Juan Avila Wisconsin 0

Kill Bills: SB 533 AB 450

31 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Juan Avila Wisconsin 0 Comments
31 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Please help us kill these bills. The Republicans say that its for the safety of everyone in the Environment, but they don't notice how many people are affected by this. For one, the Latino people will be harassed much more than before due to the bill that will allow racial profiling. Many Mexican families will be separated. And even for the youth, most of the youth is legal and have documents, but what about their parents? If your parents are deported you wont be heading to mexico with them... You will end up in a foster home.

please everyone... We need to put a stop to this not only Latinos will be effected, but all will.

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