Kidz Aware are asking you to support us in ensuring disabled children and their families are able to access services and their rights right at the start . Kidz Aware have bene suppoprting disabled children and their families for many years and are now in the situation we can no longer continue our much needed services unless we find £6,000 before the end of September 2011. Our local council and familiy services decline to support our work even though we have submitted eveidence of the need for our services that families are facing sitautions they should not have had to, carers been let down , carers being beaten up , families not being informed of what is available or being told they do not fit the criteria The reality is its hard work for these families ,very little respite.Constant planning,juggling and balancing other commitments.Researching,seeking information and strategies. Constant pester power.It’s exhausting,isolating demoralizing. Who wants to work 24/7?Who cares for the carers? Well we do and we need your help Wakefield as signed up to Every Disabled Child matters Yet here we are being told they will not support us in helping families yet every day we are recieveing more requests for help. Question who will provide famileis with the neeccesary training skills to be their childs advocate to gain the neccssary skills , who will be their advocate who will speak up when they cannot, who will emsure their needs and their children needs are being addressed, who will ensure their voices are heared. Who will provide our educational programmes addressing Discrimination , Racims, Bullying , as we do over 8,000 chidlren have participated, today. The fact remains that carers of disabled children are trying to grasp at whatever assistance they can and this becomes a mountain to climb.They are told early intervention is paramount,the reality is far from this,So lets get together challenge services providers and help them to help us and ensure Kidz Aware not only continues but grows stronger and ensures we We recognise that all people are different and believe in the powerful potential that different views, thoughts and ideas can have to help us Achieve our goals. We will be EMBRACING of all people and communities who share a common desire to support improvements in services and opportunities for people with disabilities and their carers. EQUALITY is about the need to see people rather than their disability; to recognise that people with disabilities aspire to achieve the same things in life as everyone else. We will always work with all people – as service users, partners, suppliers and staff – in a way that recognises their right to equal treatment and we will expect this in return. The courage that we see demonstrated everyday by people with disabilities inspires us to do our work and strive to always be the bestWe can. We want to be an INSPIRING organisation that makes people want to use our services, be our partners and work with us by signing this petiton asking your friends and families to sign ENSURING WAKEFIELD ADDRESSES THAT Every child with a disability and their carer Has a voice that is heard”and they are given the opportunities to reach their full potential