Lynda Herndon 0

Kidd's Kids Wall of Honor

121 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lynda Herndon 0 Comments
121 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We think Disney should sell bricks, have each person's name on the brick that bought it, and build a wall with all the bricks (as high as they can make it) never stop building it, an infinity Kidd Kraddick wall. That way all proceeds from selling each brick can go to Kidd's Kids Charity. When the Kids go to Disney they can see the wall and have their picture taken in front of it as well! engraved with "keep looking up, 'cause that's where it all is" -Kidd Kraddick...because the wall is being built up, people will always have to look up....


BY Kidd Kraddick fans...


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