Kesi Ghatta

The India government has begun an ambitious project to construct a bypass bridge in the shape of a half-moon out into the Yamuna River so as to bypass the greater area of Kesi Ghatta. It is indeed unfortunate that the planners of Vrindavana [one of the most holy pilgrim sites in India] have so little respect and concern for Vrindavana preservation that they would undertake the building of such a monstrosity so close to the historical and spiritual skyline of Vrindavana at Kesi Ghatta. The bypass bridge which is now well under construction is certainly a desecration of Vrindavana and has no real functionality to benefit pilgrims. The bridge will however increase vehicle traffic in the Kesi Ghatta area which is already the cause of so much discomfort and pollution in Vrindavana. I can honestly say based on my experiences as a world traveler that no government of any country in the world who had such an antiquity as Kesi Ghatta and Vrindavana under their care would dare to commit such a blunder as is being done by the authorities in India by building the bypass bridge at Kesi Ghatta. It is shameful for the Indian government to have done so. One can only imagine that money and corruption is at the bottom of such government decisions and not even the slightest bit of sensitivity for Vrindavana or even any common sense. I, as many have done, appeal to the India government to halt construction of the Kesi Ghatta bypass bridge immediately and remove all pillars thus far constructed. Failure to do so is resulting in one of the greatest archeological and historical atrocities of all time only outdone by the Taliban who destroyed the Buddha statues at Bamyan Valley in Afghanistan in 2001. Certainly someone in a position of authority in the India government has the foresight and piety to halt the Kesi Ghatta bypass bridge before it is too late.