Denny Cherpanath 0


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Honored Italian Presisent Sergio Mattarella, Honored Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte,Members of Parliament, Mayor of Rome Verginia Elena Raggi and other oll Mayers of other states,Nicolo Zingaretti President of Lazio and all presidents of other regions,Respected Cardinals ,Bishops,Vicors and oll our Italian brothers and sisters,

I am writing this petition on behalf of 50,000 fellow Resident Indians in Itialy and their related families and friends in Kerala included among the 35 Million, the southern state of India known to be God's own country for its breathtaking beauty and splendor. We are frantically and desperately asking for help; The people of Kerala are dying, 35 Million inhabitants are going through a massive flood and multiple horrendous landslides with insufficient rescue operations, equipment and personnel. We have not been able to contact our family members and friends, the rescue operations are in place but we need more support and help from every way possible.

We beg for mercy, help, relief and support, we need help.

We need Australia to join hands with Kerala, The State Government on this relief mission. We kindly request you to collaborate with The Kerala State Government and to offer any possible support;High end machinery, any advanced technical aid, financial aid, medicines, food supplies or any thing you could do to save our people.

We are in need of food, medicine, and all possible financial aid, please make generous contributions to the chief minister's relief fund

Death toll is rising every hour, every minute, More than 250,000 people have fled their homes, The aged,young, ill and pregnant and stranded in their homes with the water level rising every hour, many towns are submerged in water. All the shutters of 36 of the 39 reservoirs have been open and the it is continuously and heavily raining for the past one week. We do not know how many people have died, how many people are ill, how many people are stranded, how many pregnant women and aged people are in need. In addition, we are worried about an upcoming huge disaster, possibly waiting in the wings of 4 million people and a million of migrated laborers from all over India who are stranded beneath a more than century old dam consisting of 15 TMC water spreading over 4668 Acres of land- The Mullaperiyar Dam.

We are scattered all around the world, we are the backbone of many organisations, we are 99% in literacy in our country, we have worked hard to develop as the most sensible state in our country but, we beg for mercy in front of the whole world, we need help. Please hear this plea, pleas show us some light, please help us with anything that could bring our lives back to us. Yes, we know there have been much worse floods in history but how does that ease our situation? We request for your mercy at least to provide any sort of support even if it is financially aiding us, even if it is by means of any advanced technology or machinery that could take us out from our homes, please give in some attention.

Pleas advise us, please provide with the rescue resources.Please help us and save us ASAP, we do not want to see our land sinking slowly and being part of the sea.


Denny Cherpanath Augustine for #Kerala

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