Kenney, Baird, Please let your words Be a Reflection of Your Actions
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The HonorableJason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism The Honorable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs
We believe neither of you care about the Iranian nation as you are also working on the same side as the Iranian government.
We have read your announcement dated June 5, 2013 with regard to condemnation of the government of Iran because of its frequent violation of human rights indicated in your joint statement. We would also like to acknowledge this announcement. We also agree that the Iranian nation is suffering a lot and that people’s rights are consistently violated.
However, we are not sure if you have been truly honest with what you have said, or whether it has been merely a political gesture. In previous years, especially after the political unrest of 2009, a considerable number of Iranians have been trying to immigrate to Canada. Your CIC offices have received a huge number of immigration applications from Iranians since then; however, You have done your best to postpone processing of these applications. These applicants have been subject to more suffering and they have experienced the bitter life of living in a country run by a government you have yourself condemned.
Even those who applied through Quebec and Federal investor immigrant programs in order to transfer their money and business to Canada were subject to an unfair treatment. Those who applied to Federal Program, their applications were never get processed and a considerable number of those who applied to Quebec program have already transferred their money to Canadian Banks, with your government benefiting from their loss, are still waiting with little hope as to when they will get their permanent residencies from Federal Government.
The question is, Mr. Kenney, how does your actions differ from that of the Iranian government in this regard? The answer is that you share the same role as the Iranian government in imposing injustice on the Iranian people.
Under the pretext of fighting against the Iranian government, your Conservative government , and you, Mr. Baird in particular, have imposed considerably thoughtless sanctions against Iran, sanctions that affect innocent Iranian citizens much more than they do the Iranian government. Iranians living in Canada have also been affected by such general and ineffective sanctions. These sanctions have even provided such institutions as the TD Bank an excuse for reserving the right to block many Canadian Iranians’ bank accounts.
Your office, Mr. Baird, has received many sanction exemption requests (as instructed by the Ministry of foreign affairs) from those Iranians who want to immigrate to Canada and would like to transfer legitimate funds to Canadian banks but your office, has postponed processing these requests; the result is that these people, suffering a hiatus in their lives as they await the chance to leave their country, are suffering from your actions.
Dear Sirs, we thank you for your political gesture but please be honest enough to say something consistent with your actions. From our point of view, the Iranian government and Canada’s Conservative government follow the same strategy in being unfair to Iranian citizens, both of them unconcerned by the plight of those Iranians who will have to tolerate this ruthlessness.