Help Create a Curbside Compost Collection Program In Kelowna

Cities all over Canada Have city wide compost programs. Why Doesn't Kelowna?
Each year, Kelowna residents send thousands of tons of food waste into landfills. Many Canadian cities including Vancouver, Halifax, and Toronto, have created curbside compost collection programs diverting on average 30% of residential waste from landfills.
In 2015-2016, the Okanagan Waste Management Plan Review is taking place and it is an opportunity for the community of Kelowna to speak up about the need to create a compost program. By changing the way we dispose of our waste we can change our city. Help Kelowna move towards sustainability by supporting curbside compost collection for our community.
To learn more about what compost might look like in our community, visit:
or join the discussion on Castanet at: