John Le 0

Kellogg: Think Sustainably

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Kellogg uses disposable plastic utensils that cannot be reused or recycled in our current facilities. So when we pick up that plastic utensil at the Marketplace or Inspiring Grounds, use it once and throw it away, we’re all placing a tremendous burden on the environment: a simple action contributes to the plastic waste that has a variety of detrimental effects on the world in which we live now, and on the world in which our children will live.

If Kellogg switched to using disposable birchwood utensils, which decompose more effectively, we could begin to minimize this needless waste. Doing so requires no capital investment and only a minimal two cent increase in unit cost.

As a leading business school, Kellogg is well positioned to champion such a strategic sustainability effort, and close the gap with similar efforts at our peer schools.

Join us in not only leading bravely, but also thinking sustainably.

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