Release the Keisha Version of Sweet 7

After the controversial axing of longest standing Sugababe member Keisha Buchanan, fans all around the world have been hoping against hope that Keisha's version of Sweet 7 finds its way onto the internet in some way, shape or form. I for one, am not simply going to complain, i am going to try and get as many people to sign this petition and present it to Island Records in hopes of them understanding just what a big mistake they made by replacing her. Even worse is that they replaced her, deleted her vocals from an album she worked so hard on, and left fans with a craving to hear her voice on the final product of Sweet 7. While the Album Sampler gave us a little taste of what to expect, I'm sure fans would appreciate hearing Keisha's vocals on songs like Little Miss Perfect, She's A Mess, No More You, Sweet and Amazing and Give It To Me Now.