Keep WFES at Woodson -- No to Option #3
Paula Treger 0

Keep WFES at Woodson -- No to Option #3

484 signers. Add your name now!
Paula Treger 0 Comments
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FCPS officials have proposed 4 different boundary reassignment options to address over-crowding issues at Annandale High School.

Option #3 would convert Wakefield Forest Elementary into a single-feeder and reassign these students to Lake Braddock Secondary School.  Currently, WFES students attend either Frost/Woodson or Poe/Annandale. 

Concerned residents whose base schools are Wakefield Forest/Frost/Woodson are opposed to Option 3 for the following reasons:

Please have anyone in your household sign this ipetition if they oppose FCPS Option #3.

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1. Removes a proximate (walkable) and historic feeder school from Woodson pyramid.

 2. Creates an "Attendance Island" such that Wakefield Forest students are bused past the Woodson feeder schools to attend a secondary school further away. "Attendance Islands" conflict with FCPS' Boundary Assignment priorities, and are harmful to students, families and community connections.

 3.  Creates safety issues and transportation hardship on families, as students are no longer able to walk home from their after-school practices/activities due to long distance (3-4 miles from Lake Braddock vs. 1-2 miles from Woodson) and students having to cross 2 major roadways, Rolling Road and Braddock Road. 

 4. Increase in bus transportation costs.

 5. Increase in bus and automobile traffic to surrounding neighborhoods.

 6. Woodson is already under-enrolled; Moving WFES students further reduces Woodson to 83% capacity with no other surrounding communities to fill it.

 7. Utilize Lake Braddock Secondary's under-capacity status to alleviate the over-capacity enrollment at neighboring high schools (Robinson and West Springfield), versus absorb students from an under-capacity high school (Woodson).

8. Elimination of Wakefield Elementary as a split-feeder is not a priority for our community.

9. Increases the negative impact of boundary reassignment.

 10. Several FCPS Middle Schools are over-crowded with a “bottle-neck” into their feeder high schools.  Frost’s current over-crowding doesn't necessitate a reassignment of WFES.


Concerned residents whose base schools are Wakefield Forest/Frost/Woodson


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