Keep this killer behind bars!
Felicia Scott 0

Keep this killer behind bars!

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Felicia Scott 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I need you all to review the below entry and if you agree with me, sign this petition and help be a part of justice! Back in August 1993, while returning her library items back to the Inglewood Library, her husband became furious. He rushed out of the house and came to the library. When he arrived, they started arguing and he threw her to the ground, kicked her in her head numberous times and bashed her head into the wall. She lay there, when it was not her time to go, she lay there dead. She was pregnant. She had 5 young children at home and now they had no mom. This women was my mother in law! My children will never know this beautiful, smart, outgoing woman because her husband took her away from a family that loved her. She has 4 grandchildren now. Her 5 kids have lived a rough life without her. Let me shed some light on this man. Let me tell the world how evil this man was. He had it out for my husband because he wasnt his son so he beat my husband when he was a small child with numberous differant objects. My husband recollects playing hide and seek as a young child with his sibilings and cousins, he said he was hiding in the bedroom closet and his step dad came in the room swung open the closet door and broke a toy shotgun over his head. In another instance, he was nearly beat black and blue over a reese peanut butter cup. It came to who ate the candy and when no one fessed up, the step father then said he would beat all the kids if no one admitted to the act. So, to protect all the other children, my husband admitted and before all the words came out of his mouth he was being smacked and punched all over his entire body. When he returned to the room where the other children play he looked like he was in a gang brawl, but he wasnt he was beaten by this killer. This man did other torturous acts to my husband, he would make him squat on a small nightstand and hold giant phone books with his hands and if the books dropped he would get beat. Imagine being hit with an electrical cord while you are trying to use the bathroom or taking a shower. As a little boy, this all happened to my husband. The death of his mom and all his brutal beatings as a child have effected the man he is today. He is skittish with any altercation. This man took a mother, an auntie, a sister,a friend, and a daughter from my family long before I ever knew them and he is up for parole are you kidding me Please help me keep this cold blooded killer behind bars where he belongs. Help me fight against domestic violence and child abuse. Thank you and God Bless!


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