Keep her with her Father

Please help keep a beautiful 9 year girl with her father. Their relationship is great, as she says her dad is fair, honest, and loves her very much. Her mother rules her by guilt, shame, and fear. Her father tries to protect her and keep her safe. They love attending church together and being around family and friends. Her mother calls her a bible thumping Jesus lover and puts her down for liking Church and believing in God. Her mother keeps her away from her father and family. She isn't allowed to do anything without her mother knowing about it. Her father lets her see family and call friends and be a child. Her mother makes her clean up dog poop and yells, cusses, and puts her down at her a lot. Her father offers support and love, and never puts her down or makes her feel guilty, shameful, or scared. She wants to be with her father and not her mother. She deserves to be in a loving, fear free, and safe environment. No one deserves to be belittled or put down, especially a child by a grown up.