Keep the LIFE in ResLife

Some strange changes have been made to our Residential Life System without the consultation of Commons Deans, CRAs and others who know what ResLife entails. According to The Campus, \"virtually all of the College\'s CRAs and Commons Deans hold reservations about the changes to come.\" If you\'ve already spoken to your Commons Dean, you know what an understatement \"reservations\" is! Basically a decision that threatens the entire nature of what they stand for was made without them. I believe in the human connections fostered by ResLife folks. I also believe that any changes made that hinder their ability to continue fostering human connections is a bad thing... especially if that decision was made without their consent. This petition is less about the specific changes to the ResLife System and more about the way in which the decision was made. I\'ll leave it up to you to find out about the specific changes and their implications for ResLife. One piece of advice: do not form an opinion based on what you read or hear. Few people actually know what is going on and why. Talk to your Dean or CRA about what the changes actually mean, how they were decided and by whom! If what you hear upsets you, please sign this petition. The Campus says, \"Thus far, Spears said he has received three correspondences regarding the issue, but that he could characterize only one as expressing overt dissatisfaction.\" (If you\'ve already spoken with your Dean, you\'ll also realize what an understatement THAT is!) This petition represents the \"overt dissatisfaction\" that Spears has \"yet to receive.\" Add your name in honor of your Commons Dean, CRA, JC, or anyone else in ResLife that has had a positive impact on your life here at Middlebury (even if it was just a piece of candy on a particularly stressful day). Thank you!