Current management feels the revenue from the ice has not been strong and would like to remove the ice. At this time, the decision to remove the ice has not been finalized by the arena board, however time is critical. The fact is that any facility with management that understands ice sports is able to generate revenue that will more than support the needed equipment and maintenance that is necessary for the ice to exist. The facility we have at Palmer Arena is one of the best in the region. The fact that we have a multi-use facility gives the opportunity for increased revenue from other activities. If the ice is removed, Danville Youth Hockey, Danville Figure Skating Club, Danville Inferno, Champaign Urbana Youth Hockey and Eastern Illinois University will no longer have practice and game ice to continue operating. This will also eliminate the motorcycle ice racing that has taken place at Palmer Arena in the recent past. The ice has been installed, operating, making money and providing fun for members of our area community for many years. Youth and adults alike have enjoyed the open skates, stick & puck, hockey games, figure skating shows and private parties during this time. It is one of the few places for quality entertainment and non-school related sports left in Danville. Please sign the petition to let arena management and city officials know how important the ice is to this community!