Keep Robert Pattinson As Edward Cullen!!!!
Stephanie Drew 0

Keep Robert Pattinson As Edward Cullen!!!!

42 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Stephanie Drew 0 Comments
42 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Okay so first we have had to deal with Victoria being relpaced and now we are going to deal with Rob LEAVING?! This is so not cool! No one can play Edward better than him and Breaking Dawn would not be the same without him!

My fellow Twi-Hards! We need to stand together and get Rob to stay! its the last one! It will not be the same at all!

So please sign this petition for ROB TO STAY AS EDWARD CULLEN! Lets convince him to stay!

Help me out!!!!!

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