Don't Remove Watson Close's Car Park Gate

To Hackney Homes and Hackney Council,
We, the residents of Watson Close, challenge your proposal to remove our car park gate.
We did not receive any letters of consultation, which would be necessary for you to take this action.
Other reasons for being against this proposal include:
- We feel secure with the gate. It separates Watson Close from the main road, and so removing it would make it seem like our space is more accessible to strangers and the general public.
- We believe that even more cars would attempt to drive into our car park, either as part of the school run directly opposite, or to chance parking overnight. This kind of traffic would cause further congestion and be dangerous to pedestrians and our kids who play outside.
- We feel that a car park where anyone can buy a permit, or chance parking out of hours or in the absence of an attendant, would lead to even less spaces for us genuine residents.
- Removing the gate would significantly increase the cost of our car insurance.
Please keep our gate.
Yours faithfully,
Residents of Watson Close