Keep Mr. Reinke at Robinwood and Prevent an Additional $100,000+ Position.

To: Board of Education of the Franklin Public School District:
We the residents of the City of Frankln, Wisconsin are requesting to be heard by the Board of Education Regarding Removal of Principle of Robinwood Elementary:
Whereas, Mr. Thomas Reinke has been a successful administrator in the Franklin Public School District for 17 years and the very effective Principal of Robinwood Elementary School for 11 years;
Whereas, Robinwood Elementary School has been extremely successful including by having the sixth highest WKCE test schools among Wisconsin elementary schools in 2009-10;
Whereas, Mr. Reinke has earned the confidence and respect of students, parents, community members, and a substantial majority of the faculty and staff of Robinwood;
Whereas, the Superintendent has recommended that Mr. Reinke be transferred to a new position at the High School and that a new Principal be hired for Robinwood Elementary School;
Whereas, the District is facing substantial budgetary problems and the cost of a new administrator could exceed $150,000 that might be better used for other purposes that would directly benefit students;
Whereas, under Wisconsin law, only the Board of Education has the authority to hire a new administrator;
Whereas, the Board of Education, as the elected representatives of the community, has the authority to direct the Superintendent to retain Mr. Reinke as the Principal of Robinwood Elementary School:
Whereas, Mr. Reinke has never had the opportunity to meet with the Board of Education but has repeatedly requested the opportunity to do so;
Whereas, based on his long service and outstanding contributions to the District, Mr. Reinke deserves the opportunity to be heard by the Board of Education before the District takes action that could jeopardize his career as a public school administrator;
Therefore, we, the concerned parents, teachers, voters, taxpayers and registered citizens of City of Franklin, respectfully request that the Board of Education, as our elected representatives, provide Mr. Reinke with a fair opportunity to be heard before it takes action to hire a new administrator and before it makes any decision about removing Mr. Reinke as the Principal of Robinwood Elementary School.