Keep Leo Johnston home and let him rest in peace
Glen Stromquist 0

Keep Leo Johnston home and let him rest in peace

2829 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Glen Stromquist 0 Comments
2829 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the Undersigned, protest the disinterment of Constable Lionide Johnston from his resting place at Willow Park Cemetery in Lac La Biche based on the belief that it goes against his expressed desire to be buried in Lac La Biche and against his cultural and spiritual beliefs as an aboriginal person. (note - once you fill in the fields on the petition, please only click on the \"sign petition\" button once, that is all that is needed. There is no need for any donations. We have had instances of people signing the petition many times because of some confusion - thank you again) **please note that this is a petition collecting signatures of people who disagree with the disinternment of Leo. If you agree with it that is your right, but this is NOT a discussion forum so please do not bother to sign the petition if you are not in favour of the petitions purpose.


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