Keep Mrs. Lassen as Principal at Dayton Avenue
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

We the undersigned respectfully petition the Eastport-South Manor Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Mark Nocero, as well as the Board of Education to REVOKE the decision to terminate Mrs. Barbara Lassen as Principal of Dayton Avenue School.
We are a group of parents with children in Dayton Avenue, or entering Dayton in September.
Mrs. Lassen is a well respected Principal, as well as a member of our community. Mrs. Lassen has been a member of the Eastport-South Manor School District for many years. Everyone who knows Mrs. Lassen realizes what a valuable asset she is to our schools. We need to let our Superintendent, Mr. Mark Nocero, and our Board of Education understand that removing
Mrs. Lassen will be devastating to the parents, staff and students of Dayton Avenue School.
Please take the time to sign the petition and come out to the next Board of Education meeting to support Mrs. Lassen on Wednesday, May 7th at 8:00 p.m. Thank you for your time.