A Gift to the tech school (keeping gifted located at the Technology center)

The gifted program in limestone county is once again under fire and ridicule. A vote will be taking place to decide if the program shall stay at the the Technology school or if it will be moved back to the student's homeschools.
Many new opportunities have arisen from having the gifted program located at the LCCTC, such as the FIRST robotics teams and Model U.N.
Such opportunities are only avaliable to those who attend the Tech school, meaning that the only way some children are able to participate is through their involvement with the enrichment program. Many programs will suffer and some will even be completely disbanded due to them consisting mostly of gifted students.
The curriculum at this program is unique and opens the students eyes to subject matters not typically covered in schools. This program has personally has helped me decide to pursue a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) field.
The main complaint by teachers about the program being located at the school is the missed instructional time. This program only occurs twice a month, for half a day. Many gifted children are involved with many many more extracurricular activities so moving the program to the homeschool will not solve this problem. Being advanced in most subjects most students are easily able to learn and make up whatever work is missed.The gifted teachers also work around students schedules, making sure they are at school for the classes they have difficulties with.
This program is very beneficial in receiving postsecondary education. It has been shown that gifted children have a higher college acceptance rate, and Act scores. This program also allows students to rack up community service hours and even helps build resumés.
Relocating this program to the home school will rob students of valuable resources and experience needed to obtain a career and be successful in whatever field they may choose.