Keep Hoo Shoo Too Road Rural

Please sign this petition to show your disapproval for the propsed development of 90 acres of land on Hoo Shoo Too Road between the Mallard Lakes and Mallard Crossing Subdivisions. There is currently pending a proposal to re-zone this property so that an additional neighborhood can be built. The owner of this property does not even have a plan in place and once the land is re-zoned, it will be too late to form any sort of meaningful protest to the developers proposal. There has even been talk about using some of the property to build Seciton 8 housing units. In all, this propsed development would potentially put approximately 1,000 more vehicles on Hoo Shoo Too Road each and every day which would be devestating to the roads infrastructure and to our rural way of life. Please sign this petition which will be presented to the zoning board at thier next planned meeting. Thank you for your support.