Keep Glen Abbey T&D squash team for Winter League
Carlos Gonzales 0

Keep Glen Abbey T&D squash team for Winter League

57 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Carlos Gonzales 0 Comments
57 people have signed. Add your voice!
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During the past three (3) months the Glen Abbey Community Centre has been participating in the Toronto & District (T&D) Squash league in the "C" Division. As of July 2009, the team has been rotating 12 players from A1 to A3 box ladders. Results are coming along both individually and collectively but the most important achievement of our first participation in this league is to provide the opportunity to many members to play against seasoned and experienced squash players from different clubs around the Great Toronto Area. The benefits of our participation in this Toronto & District (T&D) squash league are: -Further develop the sport of Squash in Oakville -Improve the overall squash level of the Glen Abbey Community Centre -Provide quality squash matches to the members to watch at Glen Abbey -Provide the members the opportunity to represent our Glen Abbey community centre and the Town of Oakville in this league -Provide additional competition beyond the Box and Challenge Ladders -Keeping the talent pool at Glen Abbey -Provide room for young squash players for further developing In order to compete in this league the team will need to book 2 courts at Glen Abbey CC(# 1 & 2) every other Thursday night from 7:15pm to 9:30pm from the 3rd week of October 2009 to the 1st week of March 2010. Based on the last winter league calendar, the team may play between 8 - 9 times at home (Glen Abbey CC) during this 6 months period. Please support this petition and promote the practise of Squash in Oakville. Sincerely, Carlos Gonzales Glen Abbey T&D squash player


Glen Abbey T&D squash players
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