Andrew Pelling 0

Keep Croydon's weekly waste collection

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24 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The undersigned call upon Croydon Council to keep a weekly waste collection



Croydon Council together with the backing of the Croydon Green Party intends to reduce waste collection from weekly to fortnightly. This is despite promises from the Conservative Party to do precisely the opposite before the election. On April 25 2010, Caroline Spelman MP, now a Cabinet minister, said on the Conservative Partty's website, "This is a clear choice at this election: Conservatives who will help bring back weekly collections, Labour who imposed fortnightly collections, or Liberal Democrats who are already forcing through monthly bin collections." * Locally a month earlier on March 17 Cllr. Philip Thomas, the Croydon Conservative Cabinet Member for bins wrote, " The Conservatives in Croydon are against fortnightly waste collections". "Promises, Promises" - not to be kept it seems. Andrew Pelling DO PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION


Andrew Pelling


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