The Michigan Senate voted to eliminate the merit-based Michigan Promise Scholarship which provides college funds to an estimated 96,000 Michigan students. In addition to cutting this key program, several other state financial aid programs face elimination or significant decrease in funding in the Senate's proposed budget. Additional reductions to the operating budgets of Michigan's 15 public universities are forcing hikes in student tuition as colleges struggle to close the gap in funding. The current economic crisis is placing pressure on the nation, the state, and individuals. As Michigan's universities face rising costs and decreasing funds, they have begun to layoff staff and faculty, and cut academic programs. Access to affordable higher education is key to re-building Michigan, and the proposed cuts undermine Michigan's ability to engage in an increasingly competitive economy. Michigan must protect and support the academic and economic needs of its students. Michigan House and Senate lawmakers are currently meeting to finalize the details of the 2009-2010 budget. Act TODAY to let your representative know you want to keep college affordable for Michigan students and parents by preserving financial aid funding and maximizing education allocations from Federal Stimulus money. Tell your legislators to fund Michigan's future! Signed petitions will be hand delivered to each state representative and senator before the final vote on the state budget.