Keep the Cambrian Vaults open.
Unfortunately, as you are most likely aware, Craig Maddocks sadly lost his life in the Cambrian Vaults last week. All of the staff would like to offer our deepest and sincerest condolences to Craigs family and friends. This must be a very difficult time for them. Although we do not want to seem insensitive or cause offense to anybody this is the only chance we have to save peoples jobs. We realize how soon this is after the incident and we would have liked to have waited but unfortunately we have not been given much time. Not only is the Cambrian Vaults a popular meeting place for thousands of people each week, it is also the place where a number of people make their living. Without it they have nothing. We have already gained a lot of support from a number of people and were now hoping that our friends, family and customers could sign this petition to show theirs. Thanks -The Cambrian Team.