Hello! I've started the petition, KEEP BUFFFALO PSYCHIATRIC CENTER OPEN IN BUFFALO, NY to be sent to NYS Office of Mental Health Attn: Kristin Woodlock, Acting Commissioner. I desperately need your help to get it off the ground. Please email anyone and everyone you know to get signatures. It is crucial to keep this facility open to house and treat the mentally ill of Buffalo, NY. THEY WILL BE ON THE STREETS. We cannot have our mentally ill on the streets or in prisons. Now is the time to sign this and let them know we will not allow the closure of Buffalo Psychiatric Center. NYS Office of Mental Health will be legally and morally responsible for any tragic events that occur. We just lost additional beds and treatment for the mentally ill with the closing of Buffalo General Hospital in Buffalo, NY on 6/7/13. Where will these people go, it has now become a travesty. Our loved ones will be on the streets. DO NOT CLOSE OUR BUFFALO PSYCHIATRIC CENTER, PROTECT OUR MENTALLY ILL LOVED ONES AND THE PUBLIC. PLEASE HELP US AND SIGN. NYS OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH WILL BE MAKING THE DECISION TO CLOSE BUFFALO PSYCHIATRIC CENTER BY JULY 2013, WE MUST STOP THEM. Thanks! IRENE TURSKI National Alliance on Mental Illness - Buffalo & Erie County National Alliance on Mental Illness - NYS