Keep Bass Street Safe!

Bass Street is currently a dead-end neighborhood street proposed to be connected to the new IH-10 eastbound frontage road. The Washington Heights developer’s own Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) understates impacts and indicates that only a low number of cars will use Bass Street daily after this connection. We recommend that the Bass Street connection not be completed since the TIA does not justify it. If the Bass Street connection is considered a necessity, then it should be configured as a development exit only. Bass Street should remain a two-way street to allow free entrance and exit to the homes it serves. A physical barrier should be constructed at the north end of Bass Street at the feeder road connection to prevent southbound, right-turning traffic from the feeder, while allowing northbound traffic to exit eastward onto the frontage road. An unrestricted connection in both directions would encourage cut-through to avoid the heavy traffic at the Yale Street and IH-10 frontage road intersection, and have a negative impact on neighborhood homes in close proximity. With this petition, we request that TxDOT keep Bass Street safe by: (a) Not completing the Bass Street connection to the Eastbound I10 Feeder Road, or; (b) Requiring a physical barrier and other traffic calming measures that makes Bass Street an ‘Exit Only’ for street residents.