Send Paris To Jail For Longer!
Stephen Hetblack 0

Send Paris To Jail For Longer!

435 signers. Add your name now!
Stephen Hetblack 0 Comments
435 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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TO: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer and The City/County of Los Angeles, We, the founders of, make an appeal to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer, and The City/County of Los Angeles regarding Paris Whitney Hilton, who was arrested on February 27, 2007 in connection with violating her probation, and sentenced to 45 days in county jail. We are firm of the opinion that Paris Hilton knew exactly what she was doing, and simply chose to ignore the legality of the matter, due to her social status. The fact that there is a petition going around to \"Free Paris Hilton\" is utterly ridiculous, again another example of Ms. Hilton attempting to use her social status as leverage. If this infraction were to be committed by someone of non-celebrity status, any attempts to do something of this caliber would be laughed at and simply ignored. We ask Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to stop this nonsense and ensure that Ms. Hilton\'s sentence is enforced, and furthermore, that it is extended as punishment for attempting to make a mockery out of our legal system, and social bribery. It IS NOT a complete and unnecessary waste of taxpayer money to house Paris Hilton for 45 days in a county jail. JOIN in the fight to \"SEND PARIS TO JAIL!\" One Million signatures needed by June 5, 2007. Sincerely, Friends and Fans of ModernRandomness and society in general. And also people who just hate Paris Hilton.


This petition is being sponsored by the owners/operators of ModernRandomness, a small-time humor website based in California.
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