KEEP the 60442 Manhattan Postmaster
Counter-Petition to the petition to replace Teresa Keenan as the Postmaster of the Manhattan Post Office in Manhattan, Illinois 60442 We the residents, customers, and businesses in zip code 60442, sign this petition in recognition of the excellent customer service provided by Postmaster Teresa Keenan and the employees of the Manhattan Post Office. We recognize that it\'s up to new developers to conform to USPS regulations and that the Postmaster is only following these regulations. We further recognize that the excellent customer service by all employees of the Manhattan Illinois Post Office is a direct result of Postmaster Teresa Keenan\'s leadership. We urge you to sign this petition and then call the United States Postal Service customer relations hotline to let them know you fully support the Manhattan Illinois postmaster: 800-275-8777 Your email address will not be publicly displayed on this site.