Keep VTM on Wikipedia
Travis Hale 0

Keep VTM on Wikipedia

64 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Travis Hale 0 Comments
64 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We are trying to get our website on Wikipedia but they are threatening to pull it down. We can definitively prove that our site is responsible for the success of Shark Week and that we've invented so many things that make the world a better place if they will just give us a little time. 

 It's almost football season so we have a lot of things going on, but we can also prove that everyone in Lubbock, TX got pregnant and/or wasted the night that Kliff Kingsbury was hired.

 It is also a proven fact that Chris Fowler almost had a baby on November 1, 2008 when Michael Crabtree scored a touchdown right in front of him to beat the #1 ranked Texas Longhorns. 

 How do I know this is a fact? Show me the baby. Where's the baby? If he didn't almost have a baby, then he would have had a baby and there would be a baby. Where's the baby? 

Also, if Wikipedia doesn't believe we invented a new PB&J spreader then they should tell my son because I use it to make him delicious PB&J sandwiches every day.

 Viva The Matadors deserves a page on Wikipedia. Please help by signing our petition and we'll take it straight to Congress or Mark Cuban to help us save our page.




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