Keep Vista Pool Open During Off-Season
The Folsom Tigersharks Coaching Staff and Board have met to discuss additional swimming options in the off-season at Vista Del Lago High School (Aug 19 - Nov 8). Both parties are in agreement that we should offer swim clinics locally instead of going outside our community for this service. The Tigersharks already utilize the beautiful Vista Del Lago High School Facility for its recreational program. We'd like to continue its usage during the off-season. We believe there is a high enough demand for off-season swim instruction and training and that should be offered in Folsom at Vista High School. To that end, we urge you to sign this petition to keep the Vista pool open through the Fall for swim instruction and training. We would ask that you sign this petition even if you are not attending the upcoming Fall clinic. Your signature represents your support of keeping the pool open to provide a local pool for our swim clinics. More programs and pool time at Vista opens doors in the future for additional sports (water polo, swim team). In order for these programs to exist in the future, we must help by providing additional swimming programs in our community.