Don't Take What Little Florida Inmates Have....
Florida Department of Corrections is announcing inmates will now only get 2 visits per month and the visits are based on their DC#. The one thing that inmates get that helps them get through their time is visits from family members. This change is taking place because they are trying to cut down on contraband, however there have been at least 5 (as noted on their website) incidents in 2018 alone (as of 2/19/18) two of those arrests of officers happening on the day I write this.
So instead of punishing inmates and their families, why not keep a better handle on the people that are supposed to keeping contraband out of the prison system?!
I feel and I am sure there many others who are with me on this, all this will do is cause tension and stress to inmates and potentially incite angrier behavior.
This is not the way to combat the problem that is plaguing the prison system.
I would much prefer to have a dog sniff me each time I enter the gates, than to have all inmates punished because those chosen to keep them confined have decided to be the ones breaking the law.
Please sign this petition as well as email your concerns to