Keep Tim on Campus!
Tim St. Onge has a disease called Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, which causes his skin to become fragile and has already contributed to this loss of his hands. Since his disease is so serious it has caused him to become behind in his classes and in need of aides for assistance. He has attended St. Lawrence for five years and is currently working on his sixth, which when complete he will officially be a junior. Although he is making great progress the Board of Education at SLU will not let him continue his education without paying for room and board. Tim already has to pay for his medications and has been attending St. Lawrence for five years. Due to the kindness of the university he has been allowed to stay on campus to finish his incompletes for the past three semesters without cost because he was considered an unregistered student. However this arrangement can no longer be offered to him. This is a petition in support of President Fox and the Tolliver the Dean of Residential Life in creating a special circumstance to register Tim to continue his education as a registered student for next semester in order to allow him to stay on campus. Please sign and give your support to your fellow classmate that hasn't let his disease hold him back from getting an education.