keep this little girl with her maternal grandparents

These loving grandparents have been told they are too old to adopt their own grandaughter age three. they are desperate to keep her, but social services have deemed them too old to adopt her, and instead she is putting into foster careto be adopted in the autumn. No child should be taking away from the ir blood relatives on account of age, as the grandmother is only 58 and works two days aweek she is more than capable to dedicate the love and care this child needs. PLEASE SIGN TO HELP THESE DOTING GRANDPARENTS, I CANT IMANGINE MY THREE YEAR OLD GRANDAUGHTER GOING ANYWHERE ELSE BUT TO ME IF SOMETHING WERE TO HAPPEN TO MY DAUGHTER. SIGN PLEASE I AM ALSO SETTING UP A JUST GIVING PAGE TO HELP RAISE FUNDS FOR THEIR LEGAL BATTLE, ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED X
READ THEIR STORY http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/grandparents-...--