Isla Gale Victoria 0

Keep the Star Sport uniform in Yr 9 !

139 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Isla Gale Victoria 0 Comments
139 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

For approximately 50 Years our Yr 9 campus has been located at ANZAC House and whilst there, the Yr 9's have been allowed to wear sports uniform because of the cold rooms (there were no heaters over there ). Now there is heating and cooling at ANZAC house and we don't have to wear sport uniforms. Our Principal has suggested that students should not worry about the uniform change because she believes the most important matter is education, which I very much agree with. However, if the most important matter is education, why bother changing the uniform. In Yr 9 we also get a special Yr 9 shirt to wear with our sports uniform and at the end of the year everyone signs each other's shirt to keep it as a memory. Now there's none of that! I believe that we shouldn't focus so much on the uniform, and keep it the same as it has always been. I think we should focus on things that are much more important such as education, wellbeing, mental, physical, and social health, acceptance of others etc. We should be teaching things that are so much more important in the real world not discussing or debating the uniform. If we want to get somewhere with this we need to provide some constructive arguments and hopefully compromise with the Principal.

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